19 August 2011

Matamec confirms 33 metres at 1.491% TREO

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Matamec confirms 33 metres at 1.491% TREO

Matamec Explorations Inc. ("Matamec") is pleased to announce that it confirms that they obtained 1.491% TREO (total of the rare earth oxides and yttrium) up to 33 metres by re-calculating the chemical oxide elements during the resampling of the T-1 historic trench, 68 metres long, in the West Zone of the Kipawa deposit. The Company had presented the results of this trench as well as three other historic trenches, T-3, T-11 and T-8, as chemical element results (see press releases dated June 30th and July 16th, 2009) within the framework of a new NI 43-101 resource calculation. The resource calculation was initiated in November 2008 when Matamec re-sampled, under the supervision of SGS-Geostat four (4) of thirteen (13) previously excavated trenches of which twelve (12) were sampled (excluding T-5 trench) by Unocal Canada Ltd (« Unocal ») in 1990 on the Kipawa deposit. In June 2009, SGS-Geostat produced a first independent report regarding the re-sampling of the four (4) trenches and it was appended to the NI 43-101 report of the Zeus property that Matamec filed on SEDAR July 20th, 2009. The re-sampling permitted the realisation of a first check of the historical results and knowledge of the distribution of the rare earths, previously known prior to 2009 from bulk samples from 1988. SGS-Geostat concluded that the 108 samples collected confirmed the high grade rare earths mineralization of the Kipawa deposit, particularly for cerium, dysprosium, erbium, gadolinium, lanthanum, neodymium, praseodymium, samarium and yttrium (for sampling Quality Control and selection of the most appropriate analytical method, see SGS report, appendix III of the NI 43-101 technical report). In the re-sampling program (Figure 1: Trenches and bulk sampling – Kipawa Deposit), two of these trenches tested the full width of the West Zone (Trenches T-1 and T-3), one trench tested the East Zone (Trench T-8) and the last trench (Trench T-11) tested the Central Zone between the two. This central Zone was not originally part of the 1990 historical resource calculation. It is important to note that the T-8 and T-11 trenches contain historical bulk sampling sites (samples KBS-2, KBS-3 and KBS-5), solely assayed for cerium, yttrium and zirconium. These sites could not be re-sampled in 2008, due to an irregular sampling surface (5 metres un-sampled on T-8 and 20 metres unsampled on T-11). The results of the new oxide calculations for the November 2008 re-sampling program of trenches T-1 and T-3 in the West Zone are presented in the following Table 1:
Kipawa Deposit West Zone
Trench # T-1 T-1
T-3 T-3
Best interval
Number of samples 36 17 27 12
Sample  # 501-536 503-519 537-563   537-548
Sample Width (metres) 68.0 33.0 53.4 24.2
Chemical element % oxides % oxides % oxides % oxides
La2O3 0.131 0.228 0.058 0.067
CeO2 0.294 0.504 0.156 0.192
Pr2O3 0.029 0.048 0.019 0.026
Nd2O3 0.128 0.219 0.075 0.103
Sm2O3 0.027 0,044 0.016 0.024
Eu2O3 0.003 0.006 0.002 0.003
Gd2O3 0.028 0.046 0.017 0.027
LREO* 0.640 1.095 0.343 0.442
Tb2O3 0.005 0.008 0.003 0.005
Dy2O3 0.032 0.050 0.021 0.032
HO2O3 0.007 0.010 0.005 0.007
Er2O3 0.019 0.031 0.014 0.022
Tm2O3 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.003
Yb2O3 0.016 0.023 0.014 0.020
Lu2O3 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
HREO* 0.084 0.129 0.061 0.092
Y2O3 0.165 0.267 0.114 0.190
TREO 0.889 1.491 0.517 0.723
Total HREO + Y2O3 0.24 0.39 0.17 0.28
ZrO2 0.824 0.716 1.175 1.040
* = Light rare earths (LREE) = La2O3 to Gd2O3, Heavy rare earths (HREE) = Tb2O3 to Lu2O3.

The new oxide calculation results from the November 2008 re-sampling program of trench T-11 located in the Central Zone, and including the bulk sample results from 90 KBS-3 and 90 KBS-5 of 350 kilograms each by Unocal-Molycorp Inc. («Molycorp ») in 1990 are presented in Table 2 (it is important to note that Trench T-11 that includes the collection sites of two historical bulk samples could not be re-sampled in 2008, because of an irregular sampling surface over 20 metres):

Table 2: Summary Results (% oxides), average for the re-sampling and the bulk samples # 90 KBS-3 and # 90 KBS-5 of trench T-11

  Kipawa Deposit   Central Zone
  Trench #   T-11   T-11 Best interval   Bulk samples     
over 20 metres
not re-sampled in
2008 and in 2009 on
trench T-11
(solely assayed
for cerium, yttrium and zirconium)
  Number of samples   29   4
  Sample #   564-592   568-571
  Sample Width (metres)   56.2   8
  Bulk sample
# 90KBS-3
(350 kilo grams)
  Bulk sample
# 90KBS-5
(350 kilo grams)
  Chemical element   %
  La2O3   0.055   0.096   -   -
  CeO2   0.135   0.221   1.24   1.24
  Pr2O3   0.014   0.022   -   -
  Nd2O3   0.052   0.076   -   -
  Sm2O3   0.010   0.014   -   -
  Eu2O3   0.001   0.001   -   -
  Gd2O3   0.009   0.015   -   -
  LREO*   0.278   0.445   -   -
  Tb2O3   0.002   0.002   -   -
  Dy2O3   0.011   0.016   -   -
  HO2O3   0.002   0.003   -   -
  Er2O3   0.008   0.011   -   -
  Tm2O3   0.001   0.002   -   -
  Yb2O3   0.009   0.010   -   -
  Lu2O3   0.001   0.001   -   -
  HREO*   0.035   0.047   -   -
  Y2O3   0.076   0.216   0.32   0.52
  TREO   0.389   0.718   -   -
  Total HREO + Y2O3   0.11   0.26   -   -
  ZrO2   1.351   0.419   0.43   1.28
  * = Light rare earths (LREE) = La2O3 to Gd2O3, Heavy rare earths (HREE) = Tb2O3 to Lu2O3.

The new oxide calculation results from the November 2008 re-sampling program of trench T-8 located in the East Zone, and including the bulk sample results from 90 KBS-2 of 350 kilograms by Unocal-Molycorp in 1990 are presented in Table 3 (it is important to note that trench T-8 that includes the collection site of a historical bulk sample could not be re-sampled in 2008 because of an irregular sampling surface over 5 metres):

Table 3: Summary Results (% oxides), average for the re-sampling and bulk sample # 90 KBS-2 of trench T-8

  Kipawa Deposit   East Zone
  Trench #   T-8   T-8 Best interval   Bulk sample
over 5 metres not
re-sampled in 2008
and in 2009 on trench T-8
(solely assayed for cerium,
yttrium and zirconium)
  Number of samples   16   10
  Sample #   593-608     599-608
  Sample Width (metres)   30.8   18
  Bulk sample
# 90KBS-2
(350 kilo grams)
  Chemical element   % oxide   % oxide   % oxide
  La2O3   0.133   0.173   -
  CeO2   0,308   0.415   0.76
  Pr2O3   0.036   0.049   -
  Nd2O3   0.139   0.188   -
  Sm2O3   0.031   0.043   -
  Eu2O3   0.003   0.006   -
  Gd2O3   0.033   0.047   -
  LREO*   0.684   0.921   -
  Tb2O3   0.006   0.008   -
  Dy2O3   0.037   0.050   -
  HO2O3   0.009   0.013   -
  Er2O3   0.026   0.038   -
  Tm2O3   0.005   0.006   -
  Yb2O3   0.025   0.034   -
  Lu2O3   0.003   0.005   -
  HREO*   0.111   0.153   -
  Y2O3   0.216   0.305   0.31
  TREO   1.011   1.379   -
  Total HREE + Y2O3   0.32   0.45   -
  ZrO2   0.878   1.000   0.57
  * = Light rare earths (LREE) = La2O3 to Gd2O3, Heavy rare earths (HREE) = Tb2O3 to Lu2O3.

Sampling from 12 of 13 trenches and 7 bulk samples collected by Unocal and Molycorp in 1988 and 1990 on the Kipawa deposit

Sampling from 12 of 13 trenches and 7 bulk samples collected by Unocal and Molycorp in 1988 and 1990 on the Kipawa deposit. As well as the thirty-four (34) historical drill holes that were done by Unocal in 1988 and 1990 on the Kipawa deposit, thirteen (13) trenches of 100 metres were excavated in the overburden and 12 were channel sampled in 1990 for a total of 666.5 metres sampled. Also, a total of four (4) bulk samples of approximately 350 kilo grams each and three (3) samples of approximately 20 kilo grams were blasted from these trenches. Of these seven (7) bulk samples, four (4) were sent in 1990 by Molycorp to Mountain States R&D; International for separation and lixiviation tests. Historically, the rare earths were not systematically analyzed during the drilling by Unocal in the 1988 and 1990 exploration campaigns since the main element of interest at the time was yttrium. The rare earth mineralization of the Kipawa deposit is known primarily because of the bulk sampling. Four of these samples were analyzed in 1988 for yttrium, zirconium and cerium, while the other three were analyzed in 1990 for yttrium, zirconium, and the suite of rare earths as indicated in tables 4 and 5 below: buy drugs without prescription
Location Sample Trench Weight in kg Y2O3% CeO2% Rare Earths % ZrO2%
West Zone 88-K-1 T-1 20 0.67 - 1.00 -
90KBS-1 T-2 350 0.67 0.41 - 1.62
88-K-3 T-2c 20 0.65 - 1.67 -
Central Zone 90KBS-3 T-11 350 0.32 1.24 - 0.43
90KBS-5 T-11 350 0.52 1.24 - 1.28
East Zone 90KBS-2 T-8 350 0.31 0.76 - 0.57
88-K-4 T-10 20 0.29 - 2.05 -


Rare Earth elements 88-K-1
Trench # 1 2c 10
Mineralized Zone Eudialyte Mosandrite/
La: Lanthanum 0.139 0.231 0.500
Ce: Cerium 0.280 0.570 0.961
Pr: Praeseodymium 0.039 0.077 0.097
Nd: Neodymium 0.140 0.290 0.290
Sm: Samarium 0.039 0.080 0.050
Eu: Europium 0.006 0.010 0.005
Gd: Gadolinium 0.050 0.080 0.030
LREE* 0.692 1.338 1.933
Tb: Terbium 0.010 0.020 0.008
Dy: Dysprosium 0.100 0.121 0.040
Ho: Holmium 0.019 0.030 0.010
Er: Erbium 0.080 0.080 0.030
Tm: Thulium 0.010 0.010 0.004
Yb: Ytterbium 0.080 0.050 0.020
Lu: Lutetium 0.010 0.006 0.003
HREE* 0.309 0.317 0.115
Y: Yttrium 0.673 0.650 0.290
TREE 1.675 2.305 2.338
Total HREE + Y 0.982 0.967 0.405
* = Light rare earths (LREE) = La to Gd, Heavy rare earths (HREE) = Tb to Lu.
Additional information will be communicated in the near future as the fall 2009 exploration program advances. The geological data in this press release was prepared by Aline Leclerc, geologist and Matamec's Vice-President Exploration, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.
About Matamec
Matamec is exploring for rare earth elements on the Heavy Rare Earth’s Kipawa deposit (Zeus property), located in the Kipawa Alkaline Complex in Temiscamingue, Quebec, and for significant gold deposits in the Timmins mining camp in Ontario, of which the two main targets are the Matheson JV property, with Goldcorp Canada Ltd and Goldcorp Inc, and the Montclerg property.
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