
The Surprise showing is located 12 km east of Matamec's Kipawa deposit, in the Temiscamingue region of southern Quebec, Canada. The showing was mechanically trenched and channel sampled in 2010, returning high rare earth values combined with remarkably high heavy rare earth enrichment, as well as exceptional niobium and tantalum values (best interval is 2m @ 5.3% TREO (67% HeavyREO + Y2O3/TREO), 3.6% ZrO2,  3.9% Nb2O5 and 630ppm Ta2O5 (see August 19, 2010 press release)). A regional soil survey followed (see September 2, 2010 press release). Anthony Mariano then visited and collected samples from the site in May 2011. Samples were photographed and then characterized via transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (including backscattered images and element mapping), short-wave UV and cathodoluminescence. Since then, numerous REE-Nb-Ta outcrops have been discovered in the region, including the new Certitude showing located 1.5km to the west of the Surprise showing.