3D animation featuring 2010 resources at the Kipawa HREE-Y-Zr deposit available on Matamec’s website
Montreal, April 7, 2011 - Matamec Explorations Inc. (“Matamec“) is pleased to announce that the 3D animation it commissioned from SGS Geostat is now available for download from its corporate website. The animation features 3D views of drill holes, Matamec’s three superposed rare-earth-enriched zones, as well as NI 43-101 resource blocks for TREO and ZrO2, as calculated by SGS Geostat. All data presented is based on Matamec’s Winter 2009-2010 and Summer 2010 drilling campaigns on its Kipawa HREE-Y-Zr deposit in western Quebec.
Matamec is presently receiving the last of the lab data from its third, Winter 2010-2011, drilling campaign. Upon receipt of final assay results, a new 43-101 resource estimate will be completed by SGS Geostat using the new data.
About Matamec
Other than its focus on the development of the Kipawa deposit and exploration for other showings of rare earths-yttrium-zirconium-niobium-tantalum on its Zeus property, Matamec’s exploration strategy is to discover gold deposits, base metals and platinum group, as well as rare metals.
For gold, the company explores in the prolific mining camp of Timmins, Ontario, of which the main target is the Matheson property.
In Quebec, the Company is exploring for lithium and tantalum on its Tansim property and for precious and base metals on its Sakami, Valmont and Vulcain properties. As well, it is exploring for gold together with Northern Superior Resources Inc. on the Lesperance/Wachigabau property.
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For further information please contact:
Andre Gauthier
Tel: (514) 844-5252
Email: [email protected] Website: www.matamec.com